Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Huarochiri Manuscript

    I chose to write about the Huarochiri Manuscript because I related to chapter 23 of the manuscript. In this chapter the son of Paria Caca; Maca Uisa issues a summons from the Incas to the Huacas people. He ask for help in order to conquer the people of Marca, he felt since he had been there to supply the with gold, silver, llamas, and many other things they needed that they would at least offer some sort of assistance, that wasn't the case. When he issued his speech to them they all remained silent except for one, and that individuals response was he would fight against the others however he would have to kill Maca Uisa as well. I relate to this because this has happen to me several times with former friendships of mine. I had offered so much assistance to them as a friend should but when I needed that same support from them they were no where to be found.

-Amanda Johnson

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